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Working With Error Messages

After calling the errors method on the validator, you will receive an ErrorBag instance, which has a variety of convenient methods for working with error messages.

Let's say we have the following data and rules, and we run the validation.

    const validator = make()
.setData({ email: 123 })
name: 'required',
email: 'required|string|email',

Retrieving the First Error Message For a Field

To retrieve the first error message for a given field, use the first method.

    const errors = validator.errors();

// The email must be a string.

To retrieve the first message regardless of the attribute, use the first method without passing any value.

    const firstError = errors.first();

// The name field is required.

Check If Error Exists

To check if an error exists for a specific attribute, use the has method.

    if (errors.has('email')) {

Retrieving All Error Messages For A Field

If you want to retrieve an array of all messages for a given field, use the get method

    const emailErrors = errors.get('email');

// The value of emailErrors will be
'The email must be a string.',
'The email must be a valid email address.'

If you would like to retrieve the error type linked to each error message, you can pass true as the second argument to the get method.

    const emailErrors = errors.get('email', true);

// The value of emailErrors should be
error_type: 'string',
message: 'The email must be a string'
error_type: 'email',
message: 'The email must be a valid email address.'
Error Types

If you wish to always get the Error Types without having to pass true as second argument, you can do so by invoking the addErrorTypes method.

const errors = validator.errors().addErrorTypes();

Retrieving Error Messages for All the fields

If you want to retrieve the error messages for all the fields, use the all method.

    const errors = errors().all();

// The value of errors should be
name: [ 'The name field is required.' ],
email: [
'The email must be a string.',
'The email must be a valid email address.'

The all method definition is

all(allMessages?: boolean, withErrorTypes?: boolean): object;

If you want only to get the first message related to each field you can pass false as the first parameter to the all method.

    const errors = errors().all(false);

// The value of errors should be
name: 'The name field is required.',
email: 'The email must be a string.'

We can get the error types, the same way we did it for the get method by either sending true as the second argument or by invoking addErrorTypes method on the errors instance.

    const errors = errors().all(true, true);

// The value of errors should be
name: [
{ error_type: 'required', message: 'The name field is required.' }
email: [
{ error_type: 'string', message: 'The email must be a string.' },
error_type: 'email',
message: 'The email must be a valid email address.'

Clear Errors

To clear form errors, use the clearErrors() method on the validator instance. Note that the clearErrors() will return a new instance of the error.

// clear all errors

// Clear errors for specific fields...
validator.clearErrors(['field', 'anotherfield']);

Alternatively you can use the clear() method on the errors() method directly. Unlike the clearErrors() the clear() method will not return a new error instance.

// clear all errors

// Clear errors for specific fields...
validator.errors().clear(['field', 'anotherfield']);

Set Errors

If you would like to set errors manually. Specially if you are using the library on the client-side and would like to set error messages received from the server-side, you can set your own errors with the setErrors() method.

// Set an error for the attributes
name: 'name is not valid',
email: 'email is not valid',

// Set multiple errors for the attributes
name: ['name is not valid', 'name should have at least 3 characters'],
email: ['email is not valid', 'email should be a string'],

Append Errors

If you would like to append errors to the existing ones, you can use the appendErrors() method.

// Apped an error for the attributes
name: 'name is not valid',
email: 'email is not valid',

// Append multiple errors for the attributes
name: ['name is not valid', 'name should have at least 3 characters'],
email: ['email is not valid', 'email should be a string'],

Difference Between Set and Append Errors

The setErrors will add the errors from scratch and delete the old ones while the append will not remove the old ones.


The clone() method will just create a new instance of the error.

// clone error instance
const newError = validator.errors().clone();


The keys() will return a array with the attributes that failed the validation

// let's say name an email failed the validation
const keys = validator.errors().keys();

// The value of keys will be ['name', 'email']